Why I Created This Course
Welcome to The Breakup Space Recovery Program. My name is De’Jarnette Johnson but many of you know me as TheRealBlackCarrieBradshaw. I’m the creator of this 12-week program which aims to help you cope with the loss of your relationship, manage your emotions so you’re not constantly consumed with negative thoughts and empower you to attract the love that you deserve. Before we begin, I’d like to share with you a quick story & the reason why I created this course.
While in college, my program's mission was "To foster the co-creation of better social worlds through positive communication". A mouth full, indeed, but it was something that was etched into every student's mind who went through the program. The entire time I was a student in college, I wanted nothing more than to be able to answer that question in a practical way. Of course, it wouldn’t be until I graduated, not once, but twice that I would come up with an answer that would suffice. And I’m happy to share that with you here.
When I hear the term co-creation, I think of a joint effort, or something done by 2 or more people, working together. The phrase positive communication encompasses many things which can include both verbal and nonverbal behaviors. It can be gestures, text messages, washing the dishes for your mate, cooking or whatever the case may be. In essence, it would be what Gary Chapman refers to as learning to speak the “love language” of your partner.
At the center of human existence is the romantic structure between man and woman. Without it, none of us would be here. This unit is the foundation of families, communities, society and even civilization. Of course, the family structure of modern society has evolved beyond this unit to encompass single parents, same-sex families and more, however, the circle of life would cease to exist without the consummation between man and woman. Thus, the need to understand and engage in healthy romantic relations is not merely a romantic sentiment, but it is essential to mankind as a fundamental value for society to advance. When viewed from this perspective, we see the greater need to sustain relationships, marriages and relational commitments and unions. When we create healthier relationships between romantic partners we thereby create, influence and transform the social structure of the world around us- answering the question of my alma mater’s mission statement to,"To foster the co-creation of better social worlds through positive communication.”
This course, The Breakup Space Recovery Program is designed to help you understand the emotions associated with heartbreak (science), recognize of the opportunity for redirection & guide you through steps to heal properly and move past the pain of your breakup once and for all through personal development, awareness & positive communication.
Why YOU NEED this course...
- To gain clarity on your sense of self, mindset and true desires
- To confront your feelings of self-doubt, inadequacy and fears about love
- To exercise self-love and forgiveness to ensure proper healing
- To identify what you don't want (deal breakers) and what you DO want in a relationship
- To create a new sense wholeness within you
- To MAKE REAL CHANGES & jumpstart your love life
- Adopting a positive mindset increases life and relational satisfaction
- Learning to recognize and replace negative patterns promotes healthier relationships
- To understand the scientific processes of relationships coming together and coming apart, grief and strategies for reducing emotional trauma.
- For some people, time does not heal ALL wounds. Some of us need additional resources to help us heal.
- Knowledge is power. Becoming aware of yourself and behaviors of others can help you avoid pitfalls in a new relationship. Once you know better, you do better.
- This course provides scientific research that enables individuals to better navigate the journey of heartbreak.
- Unlimited access to the resources in this course are available to revisit now & again.
How is this course structured?
This course consists of 12 weekly modules with multiple lessons per unit:
Week 1 - Getting Through the 1st 7 Days
Week 2 - Rules of Disengagement
Week 3 - The Science of Relationships
Week 4 - Relationship Cycles
Week 5 - Managing Your Emotions
Week 6 - Self-Care (Your Roadmap to Healing)
Week 7 - The Relationship Inventory
Week 8 - Men Suffer, Too
Week 9 - Red Flags
Week 10 - Mediated Communication & Romantic Relationships
Week 11 - Moving On
Week 12 - Wrap Up
Weekly Modules
Each week's modules contains multiple lessons. The lessons of each section is designed to build upon the next and work together as a comprehensive set of skills that can be applied.
- Concept introduction: Serves to reinforce the outcome in each section.
- Lessons: Contain weekly lectures, videos and reflective exercises to promote positive thinking & behavior.
- Test your learning: Complete the quizzes immediately after each lesson to apply your learning and earn a certificate of completion.
Wrap up section
- Course recap: Celebrate your accomplishment and bring it home with a summary of what was learned.
- Leave a review: I would love to hear your feedback via comments, emails or by taking a quick survey to help me improve this course.
- What’s next? If you find this course helpful, email me and leave a testimonial.
Email: LOVE@therealblackcarriebradshaw